Archives For timdruhym


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Stýská se mi po Štěpánovi – je na prázdninách u babiček…

I miss Steevee – he is on vacation with his gradmas…


Stella ráda pozoruje svět…

Stella likes to observe the world…


So it’s here… we’ve got two kids… we are doing OK so far, because I have vacation right now so I can take care about Steven during the day with full attention. The harder times will come when I go to work. Misa will have full hands of stuff then, but I guess she’ll manage it… It would be much nicer to work from home or be rich property owner sometimes… these options are just dreams now, so we have to live with the things that God gave us. It is great that we are not alone in that because He did not only prepare that situation but also He is our big help…


Tak jsem přivezl domů svoji dceru… uvidíme, jak se bude vyvíjet život rodiny, když tu už nejsme tři, ale čtyři…

So I brought my daughter home… We will se how the life of our family developes, since we are not three anymore but four


Štěpán v porodnici, když jsme navštívili Míšu a Stellu.

Steven in the maternal hospital visiting Misa and Stella.



