
We went for small train and feet trip today. We went by train to Bilovice nad Svitavou and that we walked to Obrany. Because the distance was few kilometers I took Stella to carrier / sling and Misa had prepared Manduca for Steven. On our way to railway station and then in train also we attracted attention, but since we become carrying family we got used to it :-).

The weather was typical fall. It was quite cloudy, but the colors of the leaves in the woods along the river showed all different shades of yellow, brown and even red and so there was still something to look at. You can find more pictures here. Steven slept for a while during the walk but he managed to walk third of the distance which was quite job – might it be that e was strengthened with grape sugar lollipop. Stella woke up on our way back home at the tram so it was really good afternoon, because we had chance to talk with Misa without being disturbed by any kid…





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